There is a little records or songs in sahaja music by famous bhajans which are sung or even played only by children. Apart from CDs A Day in Borotin, Borotin Universe, Little Ganesha which are a wonderful examples of not only the work with children, but also shows children´s feelings and perception of music and their happiness to sing, we discovered in our discography a very nice album of children from New Zealand -
In Contemplation of Truth. CD brings not only tens of famous bhajans, which we already know from the various groups´ versions, but we are surprised by childrens´ own compositions. CD is characteristic for spontaneity which makes it different from other professionally recorded CDs - children simply sing and play in the way they had learnt during rehearsals. The result is a very nice CD which you will definitly like and listen to...

To give our readers a better and more complex idea about this nice CD, I have asked Meri Marshall to write to me a few lines about this CD. Meri remembers:
"In 2004 I thought that I will finish music for my new CD for Ganesha puja, but no vibration came. Then I suddenly realized that we could probably ask children if they would be interested to record their CD and also create the cover. Children prepared the list of songs which they wanted to record and then they decided to sing only those songs which gave cold vibrations. One Yuva shakti named Moksha Govender composed a beautiful song titled "In Contemplation of Truth", which celebrates Sri Mataji. Children who came to recording were mainly from our biggest city, from Auckland, but they were accompanied also by children from Taurang and Cambridge, because they also wanted to learn to sing those songs. Children who couldn´t participate in recording prepared in the meantime the cover for this CD."
"Although my technical knowledge about music are very modest - I can only learn how to sing a song and give some lectures - we have started our rehearsals. It was excellent to be all together and enjoyed singing together. One child played the harmonium and another child knew how to play the flute. Children did not have any experience with recording, but one techician came and helped us a lot when he gave to us clear instructions. It seemed very proper that children joined the whole process because Shri Ganesha is the Lord of innocence and the eternal child. Everything seemed very favourable. Vibrations which appeared in heavens when the recording started, were very astonishing ... On CD we can find the famous bhajans such as Ganesha, Ganesha, Kundalini, Bolo Adi Shakti Shri Mataji, Omkar Pradhana Rupa Ganeschanche.... and others, but also very fragile songs such as Ave Maria, Kindle My Heart ...
Similarly to other CDs children did not forget the initial three Sahasrara mantras ... "
What can we add? At least we can wish to have more of such CDs…