VH: I listened very carefully to the song Shiva´s Song and I heard the hint of „sami joik“. I know this style of singing from Mari Boine – I have several CDs of hers. Acoustic guitar is fantastic and the song wonderful. Can you tell me more about it?
SC: Shiva’s song is one of my favourites. It is a song that grows. And I never get tired of playing or to listening to it. This is a great gift from Shri Mataji.
The inspiration came when I was watching Indian dance. It is so beautiful to see how they use them selves when they dance. And I got the idea, why not write a song, and use the metaphor dance to describe life. And in Indian dance they really tell about life.
When I sing the song now I can see Shri Mataji dancing on the beach in Nargol.
I can feel how She is washing away all the negativity through her feet. How She is dancing, like the most beautiful queen. And She is never sleeping, always taking care of us. When I am composing a song it can have one meaning, but when it matures after sometime I can see a deeper meaning. The resemblance with Mari Boine and “joik” is not intentional. But I love her music. She is a great inspiration, and a major contributor on the global “world-music” arena.. “Joik” is wordless singing and a very natural, spontaneous art form. It is handed over orally through generations, sort of like Indian music. So perhaps there is a connection.
The inspiration came when I was watching Indian dance. It is so beautiful to see how they use them selves when they dance. And I got the idea, why not write a song, and use the metaphor dance to describe life. And in Indian dance they really tell about life.
When I sing the song now I can see Shri Mataji dancing on the beach in Nargol.
I can feel how She is washing away all the negativity through her feet. How She is dancing, like the most beautiful queen. And She is never sleeping, always taking care of us. When I am composing a song it can have one meaning, but when it matures after sometime I can see a deeper meaning. The resemblance with Mari Boine and “joik” is not intentional. But I love her music. She is a great inspiration, and a major contributor on the global “world-music” arena.. “Joik” is wordless singing and a very natural, spontaneous art form. It is handed over orally through generations, sort of like Indian music. So perhaps there is a connection.

VH: You are the author of the majority of music and lyrics. Your lyrics are wonderful. I had never met anybody from the western world who would have so many feelings and much tenderness towards our Mother. How did your inspiration come for writing such lyrics?
SC: First I wan to tell you that before I came to Sahaja yoga I had some problems with my English. But in SY we are collective with people from all over the world, so we have to use English. It is like it is innate. Now it is almost natural for me to speak and write in English. It is sometimes even better to express some things in English rather than in Norwegian.
When you ask me about the inspiration for the songs, there is only one answer, Shri Mataji.
She has been guiding me all through the process. When I first met Shri Mataji (at Ganesha puja in Cabella 2003), something very, very strong happened. After the puja, there were marriages and the hangar was full. So I could not get in to where Mother was.
I had a wish to see Her one more time. So I went to one of the side entrances to the hangar. Suddenly I could hear a conch and there She was right in front of me. In a few seconds everything changed inside.
One moment I could see myself standing on a very big stage singing in front of a crowded audience. And in the next moment I was looking in to Mothers eyes, and I could see the whole universe.
After this experience I started travelling around the world with Shri Mataji on the pujas. It was like I could not get enough.
In 2005 I was at the Vaitarna academy. And the first day I was resting in my room. I could hear some students playing tabla downstairs. And suddenly in front of my feet, I could see Shri Ganesha dancing. And he was so happy. Like I was happy to be in Mothers house. While I was at the academy I had some very strong dreams. I remember in one of them Mother came to me. And She told me that I was Her voice, that I was Her instrument. Then She played the songs or the CD before it was made.
So first of all, Mother told me to do this CD.
There are many yogis who have been the source to the songs and the lyrics. Mother gave me everything I needed. She even let me meet people that could inspire me to write. It is so beautiful how everything is taken care of.
I am really very thankful to allot of people who have given me such strength and belief in myself. Most of all I thank Mother everyday, for allowing me to be an instrument for Her. It is all about Her love.
So first of all, Mother told me to do this CD.
There are many yogis who have been the source to the songs and the lyrics. Mother gave me everything I needed. She even let me meet people that could inspire me to write. It is so beautiful how everything is taken care of.
I am really very thankful to allot of people who have given me such strength and belief in myself. Most of all I thank Mother everyday, for allowing me to be an instrument for Her. It is all about Her love.
VH: The end of your CD belongs to the song Krupa by Arun Apte. Is there any cryptical meaning in it?
SC: The lyrics is a prayer and it means something like “Mother, please give your blessings. Help us to be in rhythm and tune with the divine. I wanted it to be on the CD I don’t know why. But I think it is important.
VH: You spent time in musical Academy in Vaitarna. How did the study of Indian music enrich you personally?
SC: The Vaitarna academy is very close to my heart. And my music teacher Arunji is like a father to me. He is not only teaching me music but also allot about life. To learn is about giving and receiving, and when I am at the Vaitarna academy I learn how to grow spiritually through the Indian music.
At Vaitarna, I studied music therapy. First of all, music therapy gives a direct connection with the divine. It really does. Whenever I do music therapy I become thoughtlessly aware. I can use it everywhere, and now it is built up inside of me.
Before I go on stage, I use it. Then I am so much more in balance and can be a worthy instrument of Mother.
Everybody can learn it. You don’t have to be a singer. After staying at the Academy for some months my subtle system was literally transformed and put in to balance.
It is such a great gift of Shri Mataji.

VH: Could you tell to our listeners some story from your sahaja life?
SC: When I came to Sahaja yoga in 2001, I had suffered from severe anxiety and depressions for many years. But after attending the first program, things started to work out. Because I had this positive reaction, I began meditating nearly the whole day for 3 months. There where only time to eat, sleep, doing workshops and meditations. I just wanted to get over my past conditionings and to be established in this wonderful reality. And it gave such belief and strength in me. I learned the entire cross mantras in two weeks, and I looked at videos of Shri Mataji almost every day. I remember that in the first dream I had with Mother, I was sitting on Her lap as a little child and She was reading me fairytales. She was there all the time. In my meditations, dreams always taking care of me. And She told me everything. If something were wrong or good. And if there were signs of doubt in me, She washed them away. I could never have done it without Mothers guidance, because there was a lot to work out. And Her support has been limitless ....
Like: For me it is very challanging to travel with airplanes, so I always travel with someone I know. So the first time I traveled alone to India, I felt extremely insecure being all by myself on the trip . When I came to England it was such a mess just getting to the next airplane. I had to ask one person at the check-in counter if she could help me to get my seat and to deliver the luggage. She started to print out the ticket. Suddenly something happened; my “low price ticket” was upgraded to “business class” without any extra charges.
After I got through the security check, I couldn’t find my credit card. And I went back to the security officers, but they couldn’t help me. I almost started to cry and I wanted to return home. Suddenly I could hear like a voice was talking to me: “Everything will work out, don’t worry”. And I felt so secure inside.
So I began walking towards the gate, and around the next corner Shri Mataji was there sitting in Her wheelchair with Sir CP by Her side. I was totally dumb folded; looking at Mother. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was no need to say anything so respectfully I kept on walking towards the gate, to give Her some space. And after five minutes She was there again, sitting right in front of me. We where so close, that I could touch Her hand. And I knew that She knew, I could feel it strongly in my heart. The love, the compassion. So I just followed Her all the way on board the plane. And on the trip there were only a couple of seat rows between us. And I can tell you I have never felt so secure on a plane before. But it was strange feeling to sit so close to our Mother for such a long time. And I had to ask my self is this really happening to me.

VH: How is it possible to order your CD for our people here?
SC: If someone wants to order a CD for them selves or distribute in their local centre/ area just mail us and we will make the necessary arrangements. Price for the CD is: 15 € + Porto. The mail address is: [email protected]
I love You more than words can tell
Behind the wall
Behind the waterfall
I love to hear the sweetness in Your voice
For all that we share
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
I love the way You care
About everyone who is here
I love the way You share all the beauty
All the endless love that make us grow
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
Loving You more than words can tell
Loving You each and every day
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
I love You more that words can tell
Beyond the the time, beyond every day
Link: http://www.myspace.com/santacecilia
I love You more than words can tell
Behind the wall
Behind the waterfall
I love to hear the sweetness in Your voice
For all that we share
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
I love the way You care
About everyone who is here
I love the way You share all the beauty
All the endless love that make us grow
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
Loving You more than words can tell
Loving You each and every day
Knowing that You are so near
Knowing that You are everywhere…everywhere
I love You more that words can tell
Beyond the the time, beyond every day
Link: http://www.myspace.com/santacecilia